"Look at God Ministries International" is a ministry that exists to Glorify God and Edify the Body of Christ, "in Spirit & and in Truth"(John 4:24).
We are committed to proclaiming and publishing "the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:21) with "faith and power" (Acts 6:8), and equipping the remnant lovers of God for the end-time harvest of souls and the return of
the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in preaching, teaching, and abiding in the Word of God not through "the wisdom of men", but "in demonstration of the Spirit and of power" (1 Corinthians 2:4) - and, above all, we believe that Jesus Christ is "the same, yesterday, today, and forevermore" (Hebrews 13:5).
Our mission is to train up faithful disciples and true worshippers of God who are holy, whole, and wholly committed to the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - in Spirit, Soul, and Body.
Our vision is to develop flourishing communities of righteous men and virtuous women "after the Lord's own heart" who are
1) Filled with all the fullness of God. through daily communion with Father, Son, & Holy Spirit;
2) Fruitful in every good work, through honor & obedience to the Holy Word & the Holy Spirit of God, and;
3) Skillfully Equipped
to "fill the earth with the knowledge of God" through -
a) preaching the complete gospel of the Kingdom of God;
b) setting the (spiritually deaf & blind) captives free;
c) operating in the true faith, power, & love of God;
d) healing and restoring the sick and oppressed;
e) having dominion over all the works of the devil, and;
f) "reigning in life" through Jesus Christ, by collectively bringing forth the Kingdom, the Power,
and the Glory of God,
"on earth as it is in heaven",
according to Ephesians 3:19, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 11:9, Romans 5:17, & Matthew 6:10-13.